Does reconditioning batteries really work?

Even if you buy the best quality batteries available on the market today, after a certain active life, quality is going to degrade, the battery will hold less and less charge, and will finally fail. At that point, you will have to go out and buy a new battery, which (of course) means profit for battery manufacturers, but money out of pocket for you.

If you came here wanting to learn more about the battery reconditioning process, the chances are that you have never tried it before, and that means that you have in the past, thrown out perfectly good batteries that you thought were dead, but which could be reconditioned and brought back into active service.

Now, there are massive battery-reconditioning centers coming up across the nation that buy batteries by the ton, and which can process and recondition a few hundred thousand batteries every day. But, that’s profit for the person running the center.

Can you recondition batteries, safely, within your own home?

And the answer to that simple question is a simple ‘yes’.

No longer do you need to throw away batteries that are not holding a charge properly, or which seem to have died outright. Now, with a little basic knowledge, you can recondition a battery that is performing poorly and bring it right up to full charge.

However, you can’t reasonably expect the manufacturers of your batteries to tell you that this is possible, because if they told you that and you went right out and reconditioned every battery that failed, or appeared to fail, it would cut into their profits.

Large-scale battery manufacturers want you to go out and buy a new battery whenever a battery performs poorly. But, now you don’t have to do it.

So, what sort of batteries can be reconditioned?

The answer is that just about any sort of battery there is responds to one reconditioning process or another. Yes, there are different reconditioning processes for each kind of battery that is available, and the reconditioning process for one type of battery doesn’t work for another kind of battery.

It might sound complicated, but actually it isn't.

Each reconditioning process is usually very simple and brings that specific type of battery back to full charge very easily. The reason why different reconditioning processes are needed for different batteries is that the operating principle of each battery is usually entirely different.

For example, there is a separate reconditioning process for nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries. Similarly, the reconditioning process for a lead-acid battery is completely different, because a lead-acid battery works on completely different principles.

A lithium-ion battery is perhaps the hardest to recondition, because it is a battery that is actually dangerously unstable and the user is only protected from this instability by a special protection circuit.

But, if you know what you’re doing and if you use the right charging equipment, even a lithium-ion battery will respond to reconditioning. So, don’t spend a lot of money on buying new batteries that you don’t need when you can recondition your old ones.